Wednesday, September 20, 2006

paper vs .com


So I picked up the daily Mercury News and was looking through it, and I can honestly say that the online version is much easier to get through. You have the convenience of not having to search through the paper for the section you want. The online news has neat little columns listed right there for you, just click and your there. I prefer reading online versions b/c I admit I am lazy and I hate folding the newspaper over and refolding. I know that's pathetic but at least I admit it, and I don't think I am the only one. Anyway, when I look at the homepage for Mercury News the visuals are different. Sometimes they display a different picture for the same story, or they give a short version of the full story posted in the newspaper. The reason why I like the online newspaper is, when you look in the classifieds you don’t have to strain your eyes to read the tiny print that is usually in the paper. Another difference is the newspaper is full of advertisements; a full page for Verizon, Macy's has a 2 page spread (that's not necessary). When choosing the online news at least you get to decide if you want to look at the ad by clicking on it, the newspaper just throws it onto page 5 and you end up looking at it anyway. Also, it doesn't cost anything to read the news online. Hey free is free. The biggest difference of the 2 forms of media are the headlines. They seem more impacting in the newspaper: IS NEW YORK REALLY SAFER THAN SAN JOSE? The online version is: Is New York really safer than San Jose? See here: This different representation causes the online headline to have less of an impact. The paper headline is in all caps. That grabs your attention. The online headline just doesn’t have the same effect as the printed version.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to learn to format links properly. Keep practicing, and don't be afraid to go back and fix things.