Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wrapping It Up

A lot has changed since my first entry. Even though I thought that I was a smart media consumer there was so much that I didn't know about. MCOM072, along with MCOM070 has taught me some valuable lessons. Now when I see a newspaper I actually analyze it, the contents, the headline, the type, the writing style...before I simply saw it and would read it but that was it. I also find myself searching for media where ever I go. It has become a habbit for me. I never thought about the planning, mapping and constant revising of evey little detail that the average media consumer can easily overlook. I have learned to be more critical and ask questions about what I see. I'll be honest before this semester I hardly ever watched the news, or read a newspaper. Now I find myself picking one up every day and tuning in every night at 6pm. BBC is my favorite and pretty much the only news that I watch. Every once in a while I will swtich to FOX or ABC news to get some entertainment. I have also come to know how the media is integrated with larger companies and how messed up the world really is. It's depressing but it is the truth. There is scandal and corruption almost everywhere I just didn't know about it and for that matter I didn't want to know. It's also nice to know where we are headed in the future. New media is replacing old media, presenting innovative technology and convenience to the fullest. This has been an experience, and like I said in my last post I will continue to write on so for now peace. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all the rest : )
check out the news

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