Wednesday, November 15, 2006

There Goes The Neighborhood

When we look at global issues global warming is at the top of the list and it will have devastating effects not only on the environment but on the economy, and humanity. The largest result would be the rise in sea level which could lead to water shortages, massive population displacement, decreased food production and extensive species extinction, including humans. The question is not if it happens its when is it going to happen? Scientists have found recent results from drilling and analyzing core samples from some of the world's oldest glaciers, which have convinced some scientists that we will encounter an 'ice age' in the future, as little as a decade or 2. That is scary. With this rise in sea level The melting of the polar ice caps would bring more fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean resulting in an effect on the Gulf Stream, part of The Great Conveyor Belt. This system gives the northern regions of the world a temperate climate. If this natural flow of cold and warm current is disrupted the ocean currents will shift, and the results will be disastrous. People are not paying attention to what could happen here. We have evidence of this situation as a possibility! That alone should wake people up. Recently there has been mush debate on the global warming issue. “The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, a product of an international treaty on climate change, was ratified by 165 countries between 2005 and 2006. It requires 35 industrialized countries to cut greenhouse gases emissions to 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2012.” Australia and the U.S., aka the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters, are the only two major industrialized countries to reject the Kyoto Protocol. “The Bush administration objected to the Kyoto Protocol because developing nations that produce significant amounts of greenhouse gases do not have to meet the same goals as developed nations.” So basically we are saying well why should we have to when they aren’t… The U.S. has also said that this emissions reduction would hurt the economy. Well that’s nice, when nature is giving us the beat down of a life time we can look back and think about our selfishness. Although many nations have agreed to decrease emissions in the past, many have failed and have actually increased them globally. It’s time to stop making empty promises and follow through with this or else.

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