Opinion To JOUR163
I do not see any point in enhancing the teaching of traditional media. There is a reason that new forms of media are established; why would you try to go against new technology and dwell on the past? That is never the solution. Isn’t it JMC’s job to offer the tools student’s need to succeed in today's world? That means teaching the newest forms of media out there b/c so we can be prepared for the professional world of media and communication. If you want to learn about traditional forms of media take a history class! We are in the age of technological innovation. This is obviously an improvement from older forms of media. I think that the course should explore and expand our reach of new media. It is important for students to learn what new things are available and out there to make communication a little easier. It’s a digital world now and we should embrace it. I also think that the teachers that are leading this class should have a decision in what it is going to become; this is obviously there field and the school should acknowledge their opinion, especially since it is a new course.